Wow! Time completely has a way of slipping away! It seems like quite a bit happens in just a short time!
Jordyn absolutely loves kindergarten! She is doing so well. She's learning to read a little bit, and learning so much about a lot of different things. Lately they have been learning about the Native Americans. Everyday she has came home with different "facts" or stories about them. She gets so excited when she tells me about what she has learned in class.
She is also loving soccer! Her coach is amazing, the kids on the team are a lot of fun and all get along quite well! She has practice on Mondays & Wednesdays with games on Saturdays. I can't believe how much she has improved from Spring. She seems more confident with the game and her skills have improved so much. She has scored quite a few goals in her games. It's so fun to watch her run around the soccer field with a smile on her face. I love watching her improve, learn and grow!
She is such a big help with Aspyn and they get along so well!
Aspyn is just about 11 months now! She is walking everywhere. She started walking about 2 weeks before her 10 mos. She is down to 2 bottles max a day. Sometimes 1 in the morning (sometimes not) and one right before bed. I think that one is going to be the hardest to break! One thing that hasn't been hard to get rid of is her pacifier! She actually took herself off it. She just decided one day that she didn't want it anymore. She would chew on it and let it dangle out of her mouth, but wasn't really sucking on it. If I would try to give it to her at night she would take it out and throw it on the floor. So we just put it away and she hasn't really cared since. It's been so nice not having to worry about having one around or with us when we go out. It's also been nice not having to worry about us taking it away from her!
She no longer is eating baby food. She just eats what we eat or a slight variation of it. She is down to one nap a day, usually 1-3 hours depending on the day. Aspyn loves books! She has 3 favorite ones that she will find on the book shelf and bring to us to read. Her favorite toy is still her stuffed Monkey and now she has a favorite cell phone! Yup, she's starting early on the cell phone thing. She will walk around with it holding it up to her ear saying "Hello" and chattering all around the house. It seems like everyday she is learning new words or some new thing. Jordyn is still her favorite person. She loves her dogs and still loves being outside. When we are outside she will walk around the yard, crawl on the dogs or play in the grass, the sand or the leaves! She loves (& prefers) to drink from a straw.
She has 4 teeth, 2 top, 2 bottom with one of her eye teeth popping through very soon. She is happy 98% of the time.
It's so much fun watching my girls grow!!
Cody has had a change in departments at work. He is now in the Survey/Engineering department. He's doing more drafting and working with numbers, more of what he went to school for. He still goes down in the mine, just not for as long during the night as he used to. It's been a very nice change. He leaves to go into work at 11:45pm (to start at 12:30) and gets home about 9:00am. He usually sleeps until about 5pm. It's been nice to have him home at night, to have dinner, spend time with the girls, and help put them to bed. Then we are able to spend some time together before having to leave. The girls love having him awake and home more consistently. I do too! It's really done a lot for our relationship being able to spend more time together. He seems a lot happier in this new department (even though it does have it's down sides) doing more of what he's comfortable doing!
He was supposed to take his Electrical test in November. However, the paperwork to take it was needing to be submitted by October 5th. In order to submit the paperwork you have to have been working for a year. His year hire date is October 6th. They would not make an exception for 1 day. So, the Electrical test has been pushed by to February. That will just give him a little while longer to study so he can pass 1st try!!!
I am adjusting to the changes and all the things that are going on in our family. I love having Jordyn in Kindergarten, Aspyn growing and changing everyday and Cody's new schedule. I have started taking time for myself everyday by either going to the gym or running. It's been great! I feel a lot better! In 2 weeks, Taliah, Clint, Laura, Heather and myself are going to be running a 10k in St George. It's for breast cancer awareness. It called Save a Sister! I am pretty excited to do it. That is 1 more goal of mine that I can cross off my list. This race all I want to do is finish the race. I'm not going for an awesome, amazing time. I just want to be able to say that I finished a 10k. I guess this is just one more stepping stone on my way to my big goal of running a marathon and hopefully (eventually) a triathlon!
All in all we are doing really well. We are getting excited for Fall/Winter to be here!
Next post there will be pictures.....I promise!!