Monday, April 12, 2010

It Finally Happened!

Jordyn is finally going to be a big sister!! Yep, it's true! Cody and I are expecting a baby November 23rd! We are currently 8 weeks pregnant and very excited! Even though we aren't that far along yet, I have already noticed several things that are different with this pregnancy than with Jordyn. I definitely have more nausea than I did with her. Not enough that I actually get sick, but enough that I feel like I could. I already have lower back pain toward the end of the day, even though I'm in better shape now. I'm always hungry, but have more food aversions than before. The smell of fresh baked bread is NOT a good thing!! I get really really tired. By about 2 in the afternoon I'm dragging and by 8 o'clock I'm just about asleep on the couch. Those things aside I actually feel pretty good. I'm still able to continue jogging, I'm just not trying to beat records or anything. I feel healthy and happy and ready to add this to our ever changing fun lives.

We haven't told Jordyn yet. We are waiting until I'm showing before we mention it to her. We feel like maybe she'll understand a little more and maybe then it won't seem as long until the baby arrives. After watching her see Ashley go through her pregnancy, I'm pretty sure she'll understand. I know she'll be excited!

The scariest part of this for me is the fact that we are also trying to move to Colorado in the next month or so. Cody's starting a new job there the end of the month. Having to find a new Dr in a new town is kind of stressing. I've gotten really comfortable with the Family Dr I've had for close to 17 years and who delivered Jordyn. It will work out I'm sure, it's just getting everything all lined up that is quite a chore.

My brother and sister in law, Chad and Danie'l are expecting their first baby September 12th! Also,during Easter weekend, my cousin Heather also let the family know that she is expecting a baby November 11th. It seems that in my family these babies always come in two's (except Jordyn). Heather and Michelle were due close to each other, and Lisa and Ashley were due close to each other! It's quite crazy. It's great to know that Jordyn and this baby will have cousins close to their ages on both sides of the family.

I'm going to try and get better about keeping up on this blog throughout the move and the pregnancy. As for pictures, well.......we'll see!


  1. So crazy how things work! I wouldn't have ever even thought we would be pregnant at the same time. It's really cool our kiddos will have cousins close in age! Do you guys have names in mind?

  2. No names yet. I like to wait until we know what we are having so I'm not thinking of both girl and boy names. At least it narrows it down a bit!

  3. Congrats! We're so excited for you guys.

  4. I'll pick a name for you! You have enough to worry about! that wouldn't make you worry more right? I'm super excited. Jordyn is so dang cute, I can't wait to see what's in store with baby #2!
