Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Day Is It Again?

Wow! Our lives have just gotten a lot more crazy! Jordyn now has something going every day of the week. This past week she has started Level 2 swimming lessons which she goes to Mondays and Wednesdays. Her 1st day she was quite nervous. They are now in the big pool and she can no longer touch the bottom, so she's not as confident as she was in Level 1. The 2nd day she seemed to do a lot better. Jordyn said she does like it and really wants to do well in it. The instructors have said that Level 2 is the hardest level to pass, so we'll see how it all works out.

 Tuesday 3-15 Jordyn also started soccer! She had a blast! Her good friend Carmen is also on her team. She has soccer practice Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's so much fun watching her learn new sports and try new things. She just isn't afraid to get in there and Just Do It! I'm very glad that she is one that loves to be outside and active. I would still support her if the things that interested her were inside, but we are just an outside family, so it's great!
 Jordyn still has dance class on Fridays! Yesterday they had their 1st dance recital. She wasn't even nervous! She marched out onto the court and performed her little heart out. She was smiling and really animated with her routines. I have to say she was by far the best one (ok I may be a bit biased)! After their routine they stayed and watched the Highschool girls do their routines. Jordyn talked non stop about them on the way home. She said she would love to keep dancing with Ms Linda (her dance teacher) so that she can be as good as the big girls when she gets into highschool!

I'm very proud of her in everything she does. She really is a talented young girl. I guess my career as a "soccer mom" is now beginning. I love it. It makes our days busy, but interesting. We all are pretty worn out at the end of the day, but it is so worth it!

Aspyn is now 4 months old. On her 4 month birthday we decided to let her try a little bit of rice cereal. She wasn't too sure about it. We all had a good laugh though watching her experience the texture of it. We now have switched over to Oatmeal, and she seems to like that a little bit better!

Yesterday we took Aspyn in for her 4 month check up! Wow! She weighs 15 lbs 3 oz (75-90%), and is 24 1/4" tall (50-75%). She is very healthy! Dr Moore is pleased with her growth and development and doesn't see anything we need to be concerned about. We still have her on Zantac, but we have not increased her dose. We are just going to let her wean herself off of it as she contiues to grow. We received the official ok to start solids but I think for now we'll just stick with oatmeal for a little bit and slowly add vegetables for quite awhile before adding fruit. We told Dr Moore about her "mad time" EVERY night. She said it's just colic and as long as she's fed and changed there's really not much we can do, but to let her cry it out. We do still try to comfort her and hold her, but she really does mainly just need to cry for 15 min to an hour then she's fine. Weird. Aspyn is so cute and watching the new things she does is so amazing. Watching the concentration it takes to pick something up or grab something is so cute. She just lights up our entire house!

Cody is taking an Emergency Medical Responder course for work. He goes to that class Tuesdays and Thursdays. He's really not into the whole medical thing, but he needs this class before he can take the Foreman test. Once he's done with the class he will get a raise (YAY!!) but he'll also be on the Mine Rescue team. I'm super proud of him for taking this class. It's been quite the challenge to go to the class, as well as go to work almost right after, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Me, well obviously I'm staying busy getting Jordyn to her various activities, and taking care of Aspyn. I've started jogging again and I feel great! I'm up to jogging 2 miles continuously! That may not sound like very far,but considering I've only been back jogging for a week and a half I feel like I'm doing great! I have 2 goals with my jogging. One is to do a 5k for sure and possibly a 10k by the end of the year. The 2nd goal is to jog 1 mile UP Electric Mountain. Electric Mountain is a steep road that does not level out at all until you get to the very top.  I'm excited!

Yes, we are very busy, but we are having a good time and we do still find time to spend together as a family. It's a very fun time in our lives and we wouldn't change it at all! I can't wait to see how the soccer season goes and how Level 2 works out. Stay tuned!!


  1. Wow you guys sure are busy!! Sounds like fun though! I can't wait to run that 5k with you, although it sounds like you'll be WAY ahead of me. You're doing great - 2 miles no stop is really really good.

  2. Yes, we are busy, but having a good time! I'm excited to do the 5k also. Hopefully I can keep up this pace with "training"! I feel ok with how I'm doing!
