Thursday, August 25, 2011

9 Months Already!

I can not believe that Aspyn is 9 months old. It is CRAZY how fast time passes! It has been so great having her in our family. Her and Jordyn as so cute together. Aspyn loves being around her big sister. She is so happy when Jordyn will play with her (which is a lot). The 1st thing Jordyn does in the morning, is give Aspyn a hug and kiss. The last thing she does before going to bed at night is give her a hug and kiss! I hope that the bond they have now continues as they get older.
Aspyn also loves her dad. Anytime she hears his voice, she starts smiling and bouncing. When he comes into the room, she reaches out for him. It's so cute! Of course if he's not home, she will look for him and keep saying "Da" It's so stinkin cute!
It doesn't matter what we are doing outside, Aspyn just enjoys it all. She loves the water, playing in the sand, the grass, it doesn't matter as long as it's outside!  Her favorite animal is dogs. She has a little book that has different animals in it.  She'll open it up to the dog page and smile and say over and over "Daw"! When she hears a dog bark, she'll stop whatever she's doing and say "Daw". She loves them!  She also likes her little bath duck. Anytime we are in the bathroom, she looks at the tub and says "Duh"! If you give her other bath toys she just ignores them and plays with her "Duh"!

She really loves saying her D's, but you can definitely tell a difference with the vowel sounds. She knows what she's saying!

She loves music and dances (or bounces) to just about everything. She sleeps very well, day and night. She eats anything and everything, but lima beans! She crawls everywhere and has lately been trying to climb the stairs. She's standing very well on her own and walks around the furniture. She's tried taking a few steps between furniture, but no out on her own. She'll throw her arms in the air when you tell her "So big" and actually tries to imitate the words and voice tone! Aspyn will most of the time wave bye-bye and give you an open mouth kiss if you ask. She is so cute when she stops what she's doing and claps her hands, and looks at you like she did something awesome!

Her little personality is so dang cute. She really brings a lot of entertainment to our house.

At her 9 month appointment she weighed 19 lbs 13 oz, and was 28" long. Dr  Moore said she is absolutely perfect and doesn't see any concerns at all.  She's meeting or exceding the milestones set for her age!  I can't believe that in 3 short months she'll be a year. I am not quite ready for that! 

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