Monday, August 29, 2011

Off To Kindergarten

Yup, it's that time in every mother's life that they dread. Monday August 22nd was Jordyn's 1st day of Kindergarten. She has been very excited to go since her last day at Preschool. We were able to go into the school the week before and meet the two kindergarten teachers, look around the school and finish any registration. Once we were in the room she got a little quiet and a bit nervous.  On our way home she was a lot more talkative and still very excited.

Sunday night, she picked out what she was going to wear the next day and said that she hoped she could sleep!

Her new Kindergarten backpack
Monday morning she woke up on time, with no problems or complaints! When we got onto the school grounds she looked around and said "There really is a lot of kids here". I walked down to Mrs Mohr's class with her. Her teacher was so friendly. She gave her a little name tag to help her learn the kid's names, showed her where to put her backpack and showed her where all of her supplies were. From that point on she seemed quite nervous.  A boy from her Preschool, Kelly is also in her class and he was feeling a bit nervous as well.  Once me and his mom got them sitting together looking at books, they both were more at ease.  I said my goodbyes and left her for her 1st day of school!!

I will admit it was harder than I thought it was going to be.  I always thought that since she has been in Preschool from the age of 3, that it was going to be an easy transition. I was wrong.  I got a bit teary eyed walking out of her classroom. It just seemed really weird leaving her there all day long.  I know she's looked forward to going to Kindergarten for quite awhile, and that she was going to love it! By mid morning I was feeling better. 

Jordyn absolutely loved school! She even said that "hot lunch" aka school lunch wasn't that bad!  The girls in her class are going to be fun, even if the boys are a little mean (her words). She said her teacher was very nice, and Yes, she is going to love it!

I still can't believe that she is in Kindergarten, and that very soon she will be reading and writing! Watching her grow up is so much fun. I can not wait to see what this school year brings us!

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