Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween & Brieanna's Farewell

Last Thursday I was finally able to get clearance from my Dr to travel to St. George! I was so excited to hear that news. I had the Jeep loaded up when I went to my appointment, so I was glad I didn't just have to turn around and go home!  Jordyn & I left town about 4:30, we stopped only for potty breaks (Jordyn & my pregnant self), a quick stop to pick up my Grandpa Taylor in Salina & then to deliver my Grandpa to my Aunt Debbie's house in Cedar. We finally got to St. George at about 11:30 that night. We were tired, but so glad to see my parents.

Friday morning we just hit the ground running! I went down to my mom's office with her where she had to see a post op patient who happened to be one of my patients when I was working at the Foot & Ankle Institute. It was so great to see her! I knew I missed my patients, but seeing one of them again I really started missing them. After visiting with her for a bit & my mom finishing up some things we were off to Costco, then lunch with my sisters, Rusti, mom & dad!  After lunch, Jordyn and I headed down to Mesquite to see our Family there.  We were able to visit with Don & Sharon for quite awhile until Chad & Danie'l got off work. When they arrived we were finally able to meet Jadon! He such a cutie! They got Aspyn a cute outfit, some lotion & body wash, & Danie'l made a very cute and soft blanket for her!  We all went out to dinner at a new Diner in Mesquite. It was fun, but we all forgot our cameras. After dinner Jordyn & I headed back to St. George. When we got back my Aunt Stephanie and her whole family had gotten there from SLC. So of course we visited for quite awhile!

Saturday morning we went up to Pine Valley to get some pictures of Aunt Steph's family. It was fun, chilly, but fun. There pictures turned out super cute! We then all met at Paula's Mexican Restaurant for some lunch to celebrate Shawn's birthday! After lunch I was finally able to get the last bit of shopping done for the baby & myself that I had been putting off. I feel so much more prepared now!

 At about 6:00 Saturday night all the kids set out trick or treating around my parents neighborhood. I think they all had a pretty good time. By the time we got back though, they were ready to be done! Jordyn was a very cute Cheerleader this year! Some people asked her to show them some moves, & of course she did. She loved it. I think she was more excited to be able to use the costume in her Dress-up box after Halloween though!

Sunday was a very difficult day. It was Brieanna's Farewell at church. The day started off ok, just everyone getting ready. I wanted to get a few pictures of her & I before church because I knew after it would be crazy at my parents house.
After getting a few pictures outside with Brieanna, I went back into the house and just started bawling. It finally just hit me that those pictures were going to be the last pictures I would get of her before she leaves on her mission. From that point on it was a water works kind of day. At church Ashley sang a song requested by Anna. I cried. Brieanna got up to speak, I cried. I know she'll be fine & time will pass quickly, but I am sure going to miss her!! The church was packed from the front all the way to the overflow in the back. There were even people in the foyer. It was amazing seeing how many people love Brieanna and our family! After church quite a few people came back to my parents house for a luncheon. Jordyn & I then made our journey back down to Mesquite to tell the Family good by one last time. It was great to see them & give Jadon one last little squeeze!

Monday we packed up and headed home after a tearful goodbye with Brieanna. We made it home about and hour before Cody had to leave for work. It was great to see him!

Tuesday I went in for my 37 week check up. When I had seen Dr Garrard on Thursday I was barely a fingertip dilated. Tuesday I was a good 2 cm dilated! I was super shocked that I had changed that much in such little time. Dr Garrard said all looked great! We are super excited that VERY soon we will be having this little girl. I finally feel ready!! Now we just wait!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad we got to see you and you guys got to meet Jadon!

    I cant wait to see pictures of Aspyn! Crazy time has gone by so fast that she is almost here!! Keep us posted!
