Wednesday, September 1, 2010

28 Weeks

On Monday we went for our 28 week appointment. We are still measuring right on! The heartbeat is still strong and sounding good. A couple of people have commented on my weight gain or actually the lack of weight gain. I asked the Dr about it since everyone but me has been worried about it. She is actually very pleased with what I've gained. I've gained a total of 10 pounds since the beginning. She said that Americans, when pregnant, tend to eat for 2 or 3. You really only need 300 extra calories a day. I haven't exactly been eating really strict, but I have tried to not eat everything in sight! If I want chocolate cake, I will eat chocolate cake (not the whole thing obviously)! I drink nothing but water, milk and maybe a glass of ice tea. I feel healthy and Aspyn is growning nicely. So she said to not let their comments bug me, because she's fine with it all!! I also asked her what she thought about an elective induction. She is totally on board with us having one. We've decide on November 19th for the induction!! We brought it up for a couple of reasons. One was just having a date so my mom could plan her schedule for coming out to stay with Jordyn and to help me out before having to go back to work. The other was just being able to get to the hospital in time with it being cold & snowy around here. Dr Garrard also said that if my fluid was looking too low, we would always induce sooner, but we would cross that bridge later if needed. It's crazy to know that no later than November 19th we will have this little girl!! Hopefully she'll come on her own before that, since Jordyn was about 8 days early. We'll see.

We go back in 2 weeks to Dr Garrard. Then in 4 weeks we go for another Ultrasound in Grand Junction with Dr Gray. He just wants to check growth and fluid. It's all just so much fun!!

Jordyn starts school next Tuesday! Everyday she asks how much longer. I think she's getting too antsy! Hopefully the next couple of days pass quick for her sake!

Chad & Danie'l are very close to having their son Jadon. We are getting excited to see pics of him. We thought we would be able to get to Mesquite not too long after he arrives, but it's looking like it's going to be the end of October before we meet him :-( I hope all goes well with their delivery. We wish them a lot of luck the next couple of days!!

So many fun things happening this month with babies being born, Dr appts, Jordyn starting school, and my sisters, mom & grandma are coming out the end of September. I can't wait for it all to happen!!


  1. That's pretty cool your Dr is willing to induce. That's kinda cool knowing about what day she'll be here! I'm going crazy not knowing when Jadon will be in our arms! lol...

    We're really lucky there is so much cool technology now a days that people far away can share experiences. So even though we wont be able to see eachothers babies right away we'll still have a good sense of them I'm sure!

    I've only gained a total of 23 pounds right now with Jadon but I feel like I've been huge the whole time! lol. I think it's just the way Aspyn is in there that you're not poking out a lot. Seems like everyone I know whos having a girl are pretty small until the end. Maybe you will avoid the crazy stretch marks... I'll have to post a pic of mine sometime lol.

  2. Glad ur doin good! u need to follow my blog i just started blogging again.

  3. I don't have any stretch marks! I had some very low on my abdomen with Jo, so hopefully I won't get any with this one! Yes, technology is awesome!
